Significant Infrastructure / Major Items of Technical Equipment

SCAI operates a modern, powerful and diverse IT infrastructure including several High Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Data clusters. This includes:
- an HPC-HPDA cluster with 128 nodes (4096 Skylake EP CPU cores, Omnipath fabric with fully bisectional 100 Gbit bandwidth in fat-tree topology) plus 16 nodes with additional local PCIe NVMe for data analytics,
- an HPC cluster with ~300 nodes (4096 Ivy Bridge CPU cores, 640 AMD cores on big memory machine, FDR Infiniband 56GBit interconnect),
- a shared parallel distributed file system of ~480 TB capacity distributed over 13 storage and metadata nodes connected with Infiniband and Omnipath,
- dedicated nodes with NVIDIA Tesla GPUs (including 12x Tesla A100 & 8x Tesla V100) and Intel KNL, FPGAs,
- a data-analytics cluster based on distributed Ceph object storage with ~400TB capacity and various virtualization hosts for running Hadoop, Accumulo, Cassandra,
- a Kubernetes Cluster for production hosting of microservices including a Ceph-based storage system with more than 1PB of capacity.
- multiple in-house private Cloud infrastructures based on OpenStack (separated for production services and research projects)
As a member of the Fraunhofer Competence Network Quantum Computing, SCAI has access to a quantum computer operated by IBM at its location in Ehningen, Baden-Württemberg.