Scientific Publications 2021

Publication Type
2021 Virtual Connectomic Datasets in Alzheimer's Disease and Aging Using Whole-Brain Network Dynamics Modelling
Arbabyazd, L.; Shen, K.; Wang, Z.; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Ritter, P.; McIntosh, A.R.; Battaglia, D.; Jirsa, V.
Journal Article
2021 Smart Automatic Configurator for Fast and Robust Fluid Structure Interaction Co-Simulations
Arjmandi, Hamid; Padmanabhan, Deepan
Conference Paper
2021 Multimodal Transformers for Biomedical Text and Knowledge Graph Data
Balabin, Helena
Master Thesis
2021 AdvWarp: A Transformation Algorithm for Advanced Modeling of Gas Compressors and Drives
Baldin, Anton; Cassirer, K.; Clees, Tanja; Klaassen, B.; Nikitin, I.; Nikitina, L.; Pott, S.
Conference Paper
2021 Untersuchung eines Power-to-Gas Simulationsmodells auf Stabilität und Geschwindigkeit
Bareeev-Rudy, Michael
Master Thesis
2021 Rapid Prescreening of Organic Compounds for Redox Flow Batteries: A Graph Convolutional Network for Predicting Reaction Enthalpies from SMILES
Barker, James; Berg, Laura-Sophie; Hamaekers, Jan; Maass, Astrid
Journal Article
2021 Reaction behavior modeling of metal hydride based on FeTiMn using numerical simulations
Bedrunka, Mario Christopher; Bornemann, Nils; Steinebach, Gerd; Reith, Dirk
2021 Lettuce: PyTorch-Based Lattice Boltzmann Framework
Bedrunka, Mario Christopher; Wilde, Dominik; Kliemank, Martin; Reith, Dirk; Foysi, Holger; Krämer, Andreas
Conference Paper
2021 CLEP: A hybrid data- and knowledge-driven framework for generating patient representations
Bharadhwaj, Vinay Srinivas; Ali, Mehdi; Birkenbihl, Colin; Mubeen, Sarah; Lehmann, Jens; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Hoyt, Charles Tapley; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel
Journal Article
2021 ANMerge: A Comprehensive and Accessible Alzheimer's Disease Patient-Level Dataset
Birkenbihl, Colin; Westwood, Sarah; Shi, Liu; Nevado-Holgado, Alejo; Westman, Eric; Lovestone, Simon; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2021 Similarity of particle systems using an invariant root mean square deviation measure
Bulin, Johannes; Hamaekers, Jan
2021 Predictive analytics in quality assurance for assembly processes: lessons learned from a case study at an industry 4.0 demonstration cell
Burggräf, Peter; Wagner, Johannes; Heinbach, Benjamin; Steimnberg, Fabian; Pèrez M., Alejandro R.; Schmallenbach, Lennart; Garcke, Jochen; Steffes-lai, Daniela; Wolter, Moritz
Journal Article
2021 Predictive analytics in quality assurance for assembly processes: Lessons learned from a case study at an industry 4.0 demonstration cell
Burggräf, Peter; Wagner, Johannes; Heinbach, Benjamin; Steinberg, Fabian; Pérez M., Alejandro R.; Schmallenbach, Lennart; Garcke, Jochen; Steffes-lai, Daniela; Wolter, Moritz
Journal Article
2021 MathEnergy - Mathematical Key Technologies for Evolving Energy Grids
Clees, Tanja; Baldin, Anton; Benner, Peter; Grundel, Sara; Himpe, Christian; Klaassen, Bernhard; Küsters, Ferdinand; Marheineke, Nicole; Nikitina, Lialia; Nikitin, Igor; Pade, Jonas; Stahl, Nadine; Strohm, Christian; Tischendorf, Caren; Wirsen, Andreas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Statistical and Principal Component Analysis in the Design of Alkaline Methanol Fuel Cells
Clees, Tanja; Klaassen, Bernhard; Nikitin, Igor; Nikitina, Lialia; Pott, Sabine
Conference Paper
2021 Efficient method for simulation of long-distance gas transport networks with large amounts of hydrogen injection
Clees, Tanja; Baldin, Anton; Klaassen, Bernhard; Nikitina, Lialia; Nikitin, Igor; Spelten, Philipp
Journal Article
2021 Graph representations in genetic programming
Dal Piccol Sotto, Léo Francoso; Kaufmann, Paul; Atkinson, Timothy; Kalkreuth, Roman; Basgalupp, Márcio Porto
Journal Article
2021 Comparison and Evaluation of Network Representation Learning Methods for Adverse Drug Reaction Prediction in a Heterogeneous Graph
Delong, Lauren Nicole
Master Thesis
2021 Fault Detection in Uni-Directional Tape Production Using Image Processing
Devagekar, S.; Delforouzi, A.; Plöger, P.G.
Conference Paper
2021 Image Based Quality Control in Thermoplastic Composite. Production using Deep Transfer Learning
Devagekar, Somesh
Master Thesis
2021 COVID-19 Knowledge Graph: A computable, multi-modal, cause-and-effect knowledge model of COVID-19 pathophysiology
Domingo-Fernández, Daniel; Baksi, Shounak; Schultz, Bruce; Gadiya, Yojana; Kark, Reagon; Raschka, Tamara; Ebeling, Christian; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom
Journal Article
2021 An efficient approach towards the generation and analysis of interoperable clinical data in a knowledge graph
Dörpinghaus, J.; Weil, V.; Schaaf, S.; Hübenthal, T.
Conference Paper
2021 Utilizing Minimum Set-Cover Structures with Several Constraints for Knowledge Discovery on Large Literature Databases
Dörpinghaus, J.; Düing, C.; Weil, V.
Conference Paper
2021 Mechanism-based Stratification of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease using Artificial Intelligence
Emon, Mohammad Asif Emran Khan
Doctoral Thesis
2021 Calibration of the Heston stochastic local volatility model: A finite volume scheme
Engelmann, Bernd; Koster, Frank; Oeltz, Daniel
Journal Article
2021 Large-scale investigation of transcriptomic signatures over multiple biological contexts
Figueiredo, Rebeca
Master Thesis
2021 Towards a global investigation of transcriptomic signatures through co-expression networks and pathway knowledge for the identification of disease mechanisms
Figueiredo, Rebeca Quiroz; Raschka, Tamara; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Mubeen, Sarah; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel
Journal Article
2021 Automatic Fluid Edge Tracking in a Shaking Aquarium
Firouzi, Payam
Master Thesis
2021 NFDI4Health - Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für personenbezogene Gesundheitsdaten
Fluck, J.; Lindstädt, B.; Ahrens, W.; Beyan, O.; Buchner, B.; Darms, J.; Depping, R.; Dierkes, J.; Neuhausen, H.; Müller, W.; Zeeb, H.; Golebiewski, M.; Löffler, M.; Löbe, M.; Meineke, F.; Klammt, S.; Fröhlich, Holger; Hahn, H.; Schulze, M.; Pischon, T.; Nöthlings, U.; Sax, U.; Kusch, H.; Grabenhenrich, L.; Schmidt, C.O.; Waltemath, D.; Semler, S.; Gehrke, J.; Kirsten, T.; Praßer, F.; Thun, S.; Wieler, L.; Pigeot, I.
Journal Article
2021 Knowledge-based adaptation of product and process design in blisk manufacturing
Ganser, P.; Landwehr, M.; Schiller, S.; Vahl, C.; Mayer, S.; Bergs, T.
Conference Paper
2021 A Systems Biology Approach for Hypothesizing the Effect of Genetic Variants on Neuroimaging Features in Alzheimer's Disease
Golriz Khatami, Sepehr; Domingo-Fernandez, D.; Mubeen, S.; Hoyt, C.T.; Robinson, C.; Karki, R.; Iyappan, A.; Kodamullil, A.T.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.
Journal Article
2021 Caution, "normal" BMI: Health risks associated with potentially masked individual underweight - EPMA Position Paper 2021
Golubnitschaja, Olga; Liskova, A.; Koklesova, L.; Samec, M.; Biringer, K.; Büsselberg, D.; Podbielska, H.; Kunin, A.A.; Evsevyeva, M.E.; Shapira, N.; Paul, F.; Erb, C.; Dietrich, D.E.; Felbel, D.; Karabatsiakis, A.; Bubnov, R.; Polivka, J.; Polivka, J.; Birkenbihl, Colin; Fröhlich, Holger; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Kubatka, P.
Journal Article
2021 Generalized Sparse Grid Interpolation Based on the Fast Discrete Fourier Transform
Griebel, Michael; Hamaekers, Jan
Conference Paper
2021 Investigation of Crystallization and Relaxation Effects in Coarse-Grained Polyethylene Systems after Uniaxial Stretching
Grommes, Dirk; Schenk, Martin R.; Bruch, Olaf; Reith, Dirk
Journal Article
2021 VMAP enabling interoperability in integrated CAE simulation workflows
Gulati, Priyanka; Wolf, Klaus; Oeckerath, Andre
Conference Paper
2021 Converting disease maps into heavyweight ontologies: General methodology and application to Alzheimer's disease
Henry, V.; Moszer, I.; Dameron, O.; Vila Xicota, L.; Dubois, B.; Potier, M.-C.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Colliot, O.
Journal Article
2021 Abgleich von Experiment und Simulation eines Lamellenventils bezüglich der Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion
Hentschel, Andreas
Master Thesis
2021 Linking COVID-19 and Heme-Driven Pathophysiologies: A Combined Computational-Experimental Approach
Hopp, Marie-Thérèse; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel; Gadiya, Yojana; Detzel, Milena; Graf, Regina; Schmalohr, Benjamin; Imhof, Diana; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2021 Towards realizing the vision of precision medicine: AI based prediction of clinical drug response
Jong, Johann de; Cutcutache, Ioana; Page, Matthew; Elmoufti, Sami; Dilley, Cynthia; Fröhlich, Holger; Armstrong, Martin
Journal Article
2021 Bridging between data and knowledge: New ways to better understand Alzheimer's Disease and Type 2 Diabetes comorbidity
Karki, Reagon
Doctoral Thesis
2021 Using predictive machine learning models for drug response simulation by calibrating patient-specific pathway signatures
Khatami, Sepehr Golriz; Mubeen, Sarah; Bharadhwaj, Vinay; Kodamullil, Alpha; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel
Journal Article
2021 Is the Spiral Effect Psychological?
Klaassen, Bernhard
2021 Inlinetauglichkeit von zerstörungsfreien Prüfmethoden für den digitalen Zwilling von thermoplastischen Carbonfaser-Tapes
Koster, Dirk; Summa, Jannik; Jungmann, Christian; Rabe, Ute; Herrmann, Hans-Georg; Link, Tobias; John, Marianne; Nagel, Frank; Schlimper, Ralf; Delforouzi, Ahmad; Roggenbuck, Josef; Wolf, Klaus
Conference Paper
2021 Evaluation of a Hybrid AI Strategy for Modeling and Predicting Disease Outcome of Pneumonia in ICU Patients
Ku, Cindy
Master Thesis
2021 COVID-19 preVIEW: Semantic Search to Explore COVID-19 Research Preprints
Langnickel, L.; Baum, R.; Darms, J.; Madan, S.; Fluck, J.
Conference Paper
2021 Information extraction from german clinical care documents in context of Alzheimer's disease
Langnickel, Lisa; Krockauer, Kilian; Uebachs, Mischa; Schaaf, Sebastian; Madan, Sumit; Klockgether, Thomas; Fluck, Juliane
Journal Article
2021 An Explainable Multimodal Neural Network Architecture for Predicting Epilepsy Comorbidities Based on Administrative Claims Data
Linden, Thoma; Jong, J. de; Lu, C.; Kiri, V.; Haeffs, K.; Fröhlich, H.
Journal Article
2021 Machine Learning Based Prediction of COVID-19 Mortality Suggests Repositioning of Anticancer Drug for Treating Severe Cases
Linden, Thomas; Hanses, Frank; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel; DeLong, Lauren Nicole; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom; Schneider, Jochen; Vehreschild, Maria J.G.T.; Lanznaster, Julia; Ruethrich, Maria Madeleine; Borgmann, Stefan; Hower, Martin; Wille, Kai; Feldt, Torsten; Rieg, Siegbert; Hertenstein, Bernd; Wyen, Christoph; Roemmele, Christoph; Vehreschild, Jörg Janne; Jakob, Carolin E. M.; Stecher, Melanie; Kuzikov, Maria; Zaliani, Andrea; Fröhlich, Holger
Journal Article
2021 Data Science Approaches for Identification of Genetic Impact on Cholesterol Levels in Parkinson’s Disease
Lordick, Thomas
Master Thesis
2021 MultiPaths. A python framework for analyzing multi-layer biological networks using diffusion algorithms
Marín-Llaó, Josep; Mubeen, Sarah; Perera-Lluna, Alexandre; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Picart-Armada, Sergio; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel
Journal Article
2021 Entropy Numbers of Finite Dimensional Mixed-Norm Balls and Function Space Embeddings with Small Mixed Smoothness
Mayer, S.; Ullrich, T.
Journal Article
2021 A digital twin for lightweight thermoplastic composite part production
Meyer, Morten-Christian; Delforouzi, Ahmad; Schlimper, Ralf; John, Marianne; Link, Tobias; Koster, Dirk; Summa, Jannik; Krauß, Constantin
Conference Paper
2021 DecoPath: A web application for decoding pathway enrichment analysis
Mubeen, Sarah; Bharadhwaj, Vinay; Gadiya, Yojana; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Kodamullil, Alpha; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel
Journal Article
2021 Remote monitoring technologies in Alzheimer's disease: Design of the RADAR-AD study
Muurling, M.; Boer, C. de; Kozak, R.; Religa, D.; Koychev, I.; Verheij, H.; Nies, V.J.M.; Duyndam, A.; Sood, M.; Fröhlich, H.; Hannesdottir, K.; Erdemli, G.; Lucivero, F.; Lancaster, C.; Hinds, C.; Stravopoulos, T.G.; Nikolopoulos, S.; Kompatsiaris, I.; Manyakov, N.V.; Owens, A.P.; Narayan, V.A.; Aarsland, D.; Visser, P.J.
Journal Article
2021 SEEDS: Data driven inference of structural model errors and unknown inputs for dynamic systems biology
Newmiwaka, Tobias; Engelhardt, Benjamin; Wendland, Philipp; Kahl, Dominik; Fröhlich, Holger; Kschischo, Maik
Journal Article
2021 On dark stars, galactic rotation curves and fast radio bursts
Nikitin, I.
Conference Paper
2021 Mathematical modeling and visualization of topologically non-trivial solutions in general relativity
Nikitin, I.
Conference Paper
2021 CADA: phenotype-driven gene prioritization based on a case-enriched knowledge graph
Peng, Chengyao; Dieck, Simon; Schmid, Alexander; Ahmad, Ashar; Knaus, Alexej; Wenzel, Maren; Mehnert, Laura; Zirn, Birgit; Haack, Tobias; Ossowski, Stephan; Wagner, Matias; Brunet, Theresa; Ehmke, Nadja; Danyel, Magdalena; Rosnev, Stanislav; Kamphans, Tom; Nadav, Guy; Fleischer, Nicole; Fröhlich, Holger; Krawitz, Peter
Journal Article
2021 Development of a Crowd Sourcing-Based Web Interface to Acquire Semantic Annotations in the Biomedical Domain
Podorskaja, Daria
Master Thesis
2021 Konzeptfindung und Untersuchung der Anwendung neuronaler Netze zur Modellreduktion am Beispiel eines hydraulischen Kupplungsaktivierungssystems
Riske, Manuel
Master Thesis
2021 3D-Printed Replica and Porcine Explants for Pre-Clinical Optimization of Endoscopic Tumor Treatment by Magnetic Targeting
Roeth, Anjali A.; Garretson, Ian; Beltz, Maja; Herbold, Till; Schulze-Hagen, Maximilian; Quaisser, Sebastian; Georgens, Alex; Reith, Dirk; Slabu, Ioana; Klink, Christian D.; Neumann, Ulf P.; Linke, Barbara S.
Journal Article
2021 Landscaping of COVID-19 Data for the Discovery of Insightful Patterns on Ethnicities - An Attempt
Ruppa Surulinathan, Ram Kumar
Master Thesis
2021 Modellierung und Simulation eines Blockheizkraftwerkes mit seinen einzelnen Komponenten in Matlab/Simulink mit anschließender Validierung durch reale Testfälle
Schiffer, Barbara
Master Thesis
2021 COVID-19-Forschungsdaten leichter zugänglich machen - Aufbau einer bundesweiten Informationsinfrastruktur
Schmidt, C.O.; Fluck, J.; Golebiewski, M.; Grabenhenrich, L.; Hahn, H.; Kirsten, T.; Klammt, S.; Löbe, M.; Sax, U.; Thun, S.; Pigeot, I.
Journal Article
2021 A method for the rational selection of drug repurposing candidates from multimodal knowledge harmonization
Schultz, Bruce; Zaliani, Andrea; Ebeling, Christian; Reinshagen, Jeanette; Bojkova, Denisa; Lage-Rupprecht, Vanessa; Karki, Reagon; Lukassen, Sören; Gadiya, Yojana; Ravindra, Neal G.; Das, Sayoni; Baksi, Shounak; Domingo Fernández, Daniel; Lentzen, Manuel; Strivens, Mark; Raschka, Tamara; Cinatl, Jindrich; DeLong, Lauren; Gribbon, Philip; Geisslinger, Gerd; Ciesek, Sandra; Dijk, Daniel van; Gardner, Steve; Tom Kodamullil, Alpha; Fröhlich, Holger; Peitsch, Manuel; Jacobs, Marc; Hoeng, Julia; Eils, Roland; Claussen, Carsten; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2021 Identifying multimodal signatures underlying the somatic comorbidity of psychosis: The COMMITMENT roadmap
Schwarz, Emanuel; Alnæs, Dag; Andreassen, Ole A.; Cao, Han; Chen, Junfang; Degenhardt, Franziska; Doncevic, Daria; Dwyer, Dominic; Eils, Roland; Erdmann, Jeanette; Herrmann, Carl; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Kaufmann, Tobias; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom; Khuntia, Adyasha; Mucha, Sören; Nöthen, Markus M.; Paul, Riya; Pedersen, Mads L.; Quintero, Andres; Schunkert, Heribert; Sharma, Ashwini; Tost, Heike; Westlye, Lars T.; Zhang, Youcheng; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas
2021 Solving Second-Order Differential Equations by Decomposition
Schwarz, Fritz
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Evaluating digital device technology in Alzheimer’s disease via artificial intelligence
Sood, Meemansa; Harms, Robert; Bügler, Maximilian; Tarnanas, Ioannis; Coello, Neva; Fröhlich, Holger
Journal Article
2021 Bridging the Gap Between Product and Simulation Data Management
Spelten, Philipp Christoph
Bachelor Thesis
2021 Bridging Scales in Alzheimer's Disease: Biological Framework for Brain Simulation With The Virtual Brain
Stefanovski, L.; Meier, J.M.; Pai, R.K.; Triebkorn, P.; Lett, T.; Martin, L.; Bülau, K.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Solodkin, A.; McIntosh, A.R.; Ritter, P.
2021 Zerstörungsfreie Prüfmethoden zur Merkmalsextraktion für den digitalen Zwilling der Thermoplast-Composite Wertschöpfungskette
Summa, Jannik; Rabe, Ute; Pudovikov, Sergey; Jungmann, Christian; Koster, Dirk; Herrmann, Hans-Georg; Link, Tobias; John, Marianne; Nagel, Frank; Schlimper, Ralf; Delforouzi, Ahmad; Roggenbuck, Josef; Wolf, Klaus
Conference Paper
2021 Pure Functions in C: A Small Keyword for Automatic Parallelization
Süß, T.; Nagel, L.; Vef, M.-A.; Brinkmann, A.; Feld, D.; Soddemann, T.
Journal Article
2021 Variant Approach for Identifying Spurious Relations that Deep Learning Models Learn
Tesch, Tobias; Kollert, Stefan; Garcke, Jochen
Journal Article
2021 Modelling and Analysis of Automobile Simulations using Knowledge Graphs
Thakur, Shramana
Master Thesis
2021 Cubature rules for weakly and fully compressible off-lattice Boltzmann methods
Wilde, D.; Krämer, A.; Bedrunka, M.; Reith, Dirk; Foysi, H.
Journal Article
2021 High-order semi-Lagrangian kinetic scheme for compressible turbulence
Wilde, D.; Krämer, A.; Reith, Dirk; Foysi, H.
Journal Article
2021 Deletion of Alzheimer's disease-associated CD33 results in an inflammatory human microglia phenotype
Wißfeld, Jannis; Nozaki, Ichiro; Mathews, Mona; Raschka, Tamara; Ebeling, Christian; Hornung, Veit; Brüstle, Oliver; Neumann, Harald
Journal Article
2021 VMAP enabling interoperability in integrated CAE simulation workflows
Wolf, Klaus
Conference Paper
2021 VMAP Standard and the VMAP Standards Community e.V.
Wolf, Klaus
Conference Paper
2021 Frequency Domain Methods in Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequential Data Processing
Wolter, Moritz
Doctoral Thesis
2021 Adaptive wavelet pooling for convolutional neural networks
Wolter, Moritz; Garcke, Jochen
Conference Paper
2021 Transfer learning on clinical Alzheimer’s disease cohort data
Yalchyk, Ilya
Master Thesis
2021 Sparse Grids and Applications - Munich 2018
Conference Proceeding
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