The lack of standards in virtual engineering workflows and incompatible interfaces for the transfer of virtual data not only cause additional costs and complex manual adaptation but also lead to inflexible IT solutions, loss of information and significant delays in the overall design process. The standardization of data interfaces in CAE is, therefore, vital for all industry segments where simulation processes are central to the product and process design.
In 2016 Fraunhofer SCAI initiated the proposal for the ITEA project VMAP. The ITEA VMAP project 16010 was started in September 2017, and coordinated by Fraunhofer SCAI. 29 partners from industry, software vendors, and academia jointly worked on the new CAE interface standard, which was released in its first public version in early 2020. Various industry partners have already adopted their own CAE-workflows to the VMAP standard and could gain significant benefits in saving time and implementation efforts.
In autumn 2021 the legal follow-up entity will be established – the VMAP Standards Community e.V. (VMAP SC). Fraunhofer SCAI actively supports the VMAP SC – major contributions will be further development of the standard in related multiphysics domains, maintenance of the VMAP IO Library and support services for end-users and code-owners, who want to use and implement the VMAP interface standard in their own environments and software-tools.
The initial ITEA VMAP project highlights some typical engineering cases from different material and manufacturing domains.