Pioneer – open Innovation platform for optimizing production systems

Nowadays, European manufacturing enterprises face several challenges in a turbulent globalized market: unprecedented and abrupt changes in market demands, an ever-increasing number of product variants, and smaller lot sizes, intensifying the worldwide competition and causing continuous pressure on production costs, product quality, and production efficiency. Therefore, novel product development strategies must be implemented to ensure and optimize the manufacturing of new products or variants in low-volume production systems. PIONEER aims to develop an open innovation platform and interoperable digital pipeline for addressing a design-by-simulation optimization framework. For that, PIONEER implements inline feedforward control strategies for enhancing the efficiency of the industrial systems in high-mix/low-volume production schemes, based on the connection between materials modeling and materials characterization, simulation-based digital twins and data-driven models, updated through distributed production data from embedded IoT edge devices and product quality.
PIONEER is built over five pillars for the development of a common methodology deployed in two demonstrators by involving multidisciplinary optimization for ensuring certified path planning strategies for the manufacturing of topology-optimized structural elements through Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) in construction –i.e., low-volume production schemes–, as well as for ensuring an efficient design and manufacturing strategy for the manufacturing of Carbon Fibre Sheet Moulding Compound (CF-SMC) components in automotive –i.e., high-mix production schemes– PIONEER is built on the knowledge and results gained in i) previous H2020 EU projects; ii) associations –i.e. EMMC ASBL, IOF, VMAP Standard Community, IDTA—; and iii) commercial products from project partners.
Fraunhofer SCAI's contribution to the PIONEER project is coordinating standardization activities for data formats, interfaces, and semantic information concepts. The VMAP standard will play an essential constructive role in exchanging and storing data from simulation, testing, and, in some cases, process monitoring. Fraunhofer SCAI will be able to access the top-level ontology MpCCI Manufacturing Ontology to create the semantic information concepts.
Project Partners
- Asociación De Investigación Metalúrgica Del Noroeste
- ESI Group
- Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
- LimitState Ltd
- Transition Technologies PSC
- Fundación Tekniker
- Arts et Métiers
- clesgo GmbH
- Fraunhofer SCAI
- Imperial College London
- University of Patras
- CORE Innovation Centre
- Innovation in Research and Engineering Solutions
- MX3D B.V.
- Marelli
Funded by the European Union / Grant Agreement No: 101091449
Project duration: January 2023 until December 2025