Annual Report 2022/23: Fraunhofer SCAI generates record industrial revenues

Sankt Augustin. Despite the challenging economic situation, the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI looks back on a very successful 2022. In 2021, the share of industrial revenues in the operating budget had risen from 45.3 to 52.9 percent. Last year, it reached a new record of 60 percent, marking the highest score in SCAI's history. The main reason for the increased industrial revenues totaling 8.8 million euros is the revenue from licensing the institute's successful software solutions.
The struggle against SARS-CoV-2 plays an important role in the institute's current research. For example, the Bioinformatics Department is collaborating with the World Health Organization to increase pandemic alerting and preparedness worldwide.
Several research projects are dedicated to the energy transition. In 2022, for example, SCAI worked with partners to analyze the impact of eliminating Russian gas imports. The hydrogen flagship project TransHyDE, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, examines the existing gas network for its suitability for transporting hydrogen.
One of the key challenges of the energy transition is the storage of electrical energy from renewable sources. In the European-Australian SONAR project, SCAI is developing innovative solutions. The research project focuses on the advancement of so-called redox flow batteries. They offer ample storage capacities at low overall costs. SCAI is responsible for the project's simulation-based screening of possible organic electrolyte candidates.
Further information on Fraunhofer SCAI's research work can be found in the Annual Report 2022/2023, which is available as e-Paper.