IDERHA – Integration of heterogeneous data and evidence towards regulatory and HTA acceptance

Recent years have seen an explosion in health data generation from diverse sources. This data has the potential to help advance both research and patient care. However, accessing, integrating, and analyzing it is exceptionally challenging. IDERHA aims to set up an open platform that will facilitate the integration and analysis of diverse types of health data. The platform will link up multiple public and private data sources and implement interoperable tools and services to enable key groups, such as doctors, patients, and researchers, to use the data. To focus their efforts, the IDERHA team will use lung cancer as a use case to design the platform.
Fraunhofer SCAI brings federated machine learning techniques to the project. An application example is the prediction of lung cancer risk and prognosis based on real-world data.
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) funds the project from April 2023 until March 2028.