RADAR-AD – Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse – Alzheimer's Disease

In the RADAR-AD project, the project partners will develop methods with which the functional loss in the brain of Alzheimer patients can be measured at an early stage - not only in hospitals but also on an outpatient basis. So-called remote measurement tools (RMT) will enable remote assessments and thus improve patient care.
The measurements can take into account the physiological condition of the patient, behavioral biomarkers as well as active and passive monitoring. The physiological state includes, for example, the heart rate; changes in the voice are part of the behavioral biomarkers. Patients solve cognitive tasks for active monitoring. In passive monitoring, certain data are collected and evaluated, e.g. on the driving behavior of those affected. The remote measurements should be quantitative, precise and real-time. Suitable measuring devices that are already available will be selected and, if necessary, modified. After the development of the tools, the project partners will test them in a clinical study.
Among other things, SCAI is involved in finding out which functional areas in the brain are frequently affected by early Alzheimer's stages. The researchers also want to identify characteristics that are specific for the early stages and at the same time predict a negative course of the disease. To this end, SCAI models the decline in cognitive abilities and brain functions. The SCAI scientists are also involved in the selection and processing of the necessary data sets.
A total of 16 partners are involved in the project. It is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) 2RADAR. IMI is a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
Project duration: 01/2019 – 06/2023
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