Fachpublikationen 2020

Publication Type
2020 Machine Learning Classification of Heterogeneous Alzheimer's Disease Cohorts for Prioritization of Functional Domains
Aborageh, Mohamed
Master Thesis
2020 AErOmAt Abschlussbericht
Asteroth, Alexander; Gaier, Adam; Hagg, Alexander; Meng, Jakob; Priesnitz, Andreas; Prochnau, Lea; Reith, Dirk
2020 Topological Reduction of Stationary Network Problems: Example of Gas Transport
Baldin, Anton; Clees, Tanja; Klaassen, Bernhard; Nikitin, Igor; Nikitina, Lialia
Journal Article
2020 Quantum Machine Learning. Eine Analyse zu Kompetenz, Forschung und Anwendung
Bauckhage, Christian; Brito, Eduardo; Daase, Inga; Franken, Lukas; Georgiev, Bogdan; Hecker, Dirk; Paschke, Adrian; Piatkowski, Nico; Soddemann, Thomas; Trabold, Daniel
2020 Application cases of biological transformation in manufacturing technology
Bergs, T.; Schwaneberg, U.; Barth, S.; Hermann, L.; Grunwald, T.; Mayer, S.; Biermann, F.; Sözer, N.
Journal Article
2020 Differences in cohort study data affect external validation of artificial intelligence models for predictive diagnostics of dementia - lessons for translation into clinical practice
Birkenbihl, Colin; Emon, Mohammad Asif; Vrooman, Henri; Westwood, Sarah; Lovestone, Simon; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Fröhlich, Holger
Journal Article
2020 Evaluating the Alzheimer's disease data landscape
Birkenbihl, Colin; Salimi, Yasamin; Domingo-Fernandez, Daniel; Lovestone, Simon; Fröhlich, Holger; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2020 Multicenter Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease immune biomarker verification study
Brosseron, Frederic; Kolbe, Carl-Christian; Santarelli, Francesco; Carvalho, Stephanie; Antonell, Anna; Castro-Gomez, Sergio; Tacik, Pawel; Namasivayam, Aishwarya Alex; Mangone, Graziella; Schneider, Reinhard; Latz, Eicke; Wüllner, Ullrich; Svenningsson, Per; Sánchez-Valle, Raquel; Molinuevo, José Luis; Corvol, Jean-Christophe; Heneka, Michael T.; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Springstubbe, Stephan; Fröhlich, Holger; et al.
Journal Article
2020 Editorial: Tailor-made approaches on use of multiscale modeling for research on soft materials - capabilities, restrictions and future possibilities
Carbone, Paula; Faller, Roland; Qian, Hu-Jun; Reith, Dirk
2020 A note on £2p-completeness of a robust binary linear program with binary uncertainty set
Claus, M.; Simmoteit, M.
Journal Article
2020 Parameter Identification and Model Reduction in the Design of Alkaline Methanol Fuel Cells
Clees, Tanja; Klaassen, Bernhard; Nikitin, Igor; Nikitina, Lialia; Pott, Sabine; Krewer, Ulrike; Haisch, Theresa; Kubannek, Fabian
Journal Article
2020 Mathematical Modeling of Alkaline Methanol Oxidation for Design of Efficient Fuel Cells
Clees, Tanja; Nikitin, Igor; Nikitina, Lialia; Pott, Sabine; Krewer, Ulrike; Haisch, Theresa
Conference Paper
2020 The recovery of ridge functions on the hypercube suffers from the curse of dimensionality
Doerr, B.; Mayer, S.
Journal Article
2020 Optimization of Retrieval Algorithms on Large Scale Knowledge Graphs
Dörpinghaus, J.; Stefan, A.
Conference Paper
2020 Knowledge Detection and Discovery using Semantic Graph Embeddings on Large Knowledge Graphs generated on Text Mining Results
Dörpinghaus, J.; Jacobs, M.
Conference Paper
2020 Solving sorting of rolling stock problems utilizing pseudochain structures in graphs
Dörpinghaus, J.; Schrader, R.
Conference Paper
2020 Java für die Life Sciences. Eine Einführung in die angewandte Bioinformatik
Dörpinghaus, Jens; Schaaf, Sebastian; Weil, Vera
2020 Towards context in large scale biomedical knowledge graphs
Dörpinghaus, Jens; Stefan, Andreas; Schultz, Bruce; Jacobs, Marc
2020 Generalization of algebraic multiscale to algebraic multigrid
Ehrmann, Silvia; Gries, Sebastian; Schweitzer, Marc Alexander
Journal Article
2020 Clustering of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease based on genetic burden of shared molecular mechanisms
Emon, Mohammad Asif; Heinson, Ashley; Wu, Ping; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel; Sood, Meemansa; Vrooman, Henri; Corvol, Christophe; Scordis, Phil; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Fröhlich, Holger
Journal Article
2020 PS4DR: A multimodal workflow for identification and prioritization of drugs based on pathway signatures
Emon, Mohammad Asif; Domingo-Fernandez, Daniel; Tapley Hoyt, Charles; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2020 Coupling Qualitative Knowledge Graphs, Quantitative Systems Simulation, and Scienti c Machine Learning for In-Silico Pathology Intervention Predictions (QSEPs)
English, Bradley
Master Thesis
2020 Comprehensive analysis of tumor necrosis factor receptor TNFRSF9 (4-1BB) DNA methylation with regard to molecular and clinicopathological features, immune infiltrates, and response prediction to immunotherapy in melanoma
Fröhlich, A.; Loick, S.; Bawden, E.G.; Fietz, S.; Dietrich, J.; Diekmann, E.; Saavedra, G.; Fröhlich, H.; Niebel, D.; Sirokay, J.; Zarbl, R.; Gielen, G.H.; Kristiansen, G.; Bootz, F.; Landsberg, J.; Dietrich, D.
Journal Article
2020 Simplex stochastic collocation for piecewise smooth functions with kinks
Fuchs, Barbara; Garcke, Jochen
Journal Article
2020 Mining of Clinical Case Reports with NLP and Deep Neural Networks
Gadiya, Yojana
Master Thesis
2020 Optimal multiparametric set-up modelled for best survival outcomes in palliative treatment of liver malignancies
Goldstein, Elisha; Yeghiazaryan, Kristina; Ahmad, Ashar; Giordano, Frank A.; Fröhlich, Holger; Golubnitschaja, Olga
Journal Article
2020 Data science in neurodegenerative disease
Golriz Khatami, Sepehr; Mubeen, S.; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2020 Challenges of Integrative Disease Modeling in Alzheimer's Disease
Golriz Khatami, Sepehr; Robinson, C.; Birkenbihl, C.; Domingo-Fernandez, D.; Hoyt, C.T.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.
Journal Article
2020 Variational Autoencoder Modular Bayesian Networks for Simulation of Heterogeneous Clinical Study Data
Gootjes-Dreesbach, Luise; Sood, Meemansa; Sahay, Akrishta; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Fröhlich, Holger
Journal Article
2020 Stochastic subspace correction methods and fault tolerance
Griebel, M.; Oswald, P.
Journal Article
2020 Algebraic Wavefront Parallelization for ILU(0) Smoothing in Reservoir Simulation
Gries, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2020 Determination of relevant mechanical properties for the production process of polyethylene by using mesoscale molecular simulation techniques
Grommes, D.; Reith, Dirk
Journal Article
2020 Analysis and Prediction of Deforming 3D Shapes using Oriented Bounding Boxes and LSTM Autoencoders
Hahner, Sara; Iza-Teran, Rodrigo; Garcke, Jochen
Conference Paper
2020 The origin of the hysteresis in cyclic voltammetric response of alkaline methanol electrooxidation
Haisch, Theresa; Kubannek, Fabian; Nikitina, Lialia; Nikitin, Igor; Pott, Sabine; Clees, Tanja; Krewer, Ulrike
Journal Article
2020 A Computational Approach for Mapping Heme Biology in the Context of Hemolytic Disorders
Humayun, Farah; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel; Abisheck Paul George, Ajay; Hopp, Marie-Thérèse; Syllwasschy, Benjamin; Detzel, Milena; Tapley Hoyt, Charles; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Imhof, Diana
Journal Article
2020 Data-Driven Modeling of Knowledge Assemblies in Understanding Comorbidity Between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Alzheimer's Disease
Karki, Reagon; Madan, Sumit; Gadiya, Yojana; Domingo-Fernandez, Daniel; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2020 What identifies a whale by its fluke? On the benefit of interpretable machine learning for whale identification
Kierdorf, J.; Garcke, J.; Behley, J.; Cheeseman, T.; Roscher, R.
Conference Paper
2020 The performance of Dunning, Jensen, and Karlsruhe basis sets on computing relative energies and geometries
Kirschner, Karl N.; Heiden, Wolfgang; Reith, Dirk
Journal Article
2020 Automatic analysis of crash simulations with dimensionality reduction algorithms such as PCA and t-SNE
Kracker, David; Garcke, Jochen; Schumacher, Axel; Schwanitz, P.
Conference Paper
2020 Drug Repositioning using Relational Graph Convolutional Neural Networks on a Heterogeneous Knowledge Graph
Krix, Sophia
Master Thesis
2020 Lattice Boltzmann simulations on irregular grids
Krämer, Andreas; Wilde, Dominik; Küllmer, Knut; Reith, Dirk; Foysi, Holger; Joppich, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2020 Voice perturbations under the stress overload in young individuals: Phenotyping and suboptimal health as predictors for cascading pathologies
Kunin, Anatolij; Sargheini, Nafiseh; Birkenbihl, Colin; Moiseeva, Natalia; Fröhlich, Holger; Golubnitschaja, Olga
Journal Article
2020 Presynaptic NMDARs cooperate with local spikes toward GABA release from the reciprocal olfactory bulb granule cell spine
Lage-Rupprecht, V.; Zhou, L.; Bianchini, G.; Aghvami, S.S.; Mueller, M.; Rozsa, B.; Sassoe-Pognetto, M.; Egger, V.
Journal Article
2020 The future of German MeSH: a new semi-automatic translation process and new services for search and annotation
Langnickel, Lisa; Baum, Roman; Wollnik-Korn, Gabriele; Fischer-Wagener, Brigitte; Madan, Sumit; Fluck, Juliane
Journal Article
2020 PathME: Pathway based multi-modal sparse autoencoders for clustering of patient-level multi-omics data
Lemsara, Amina; Ouadfel, Salima; Fröhlich, Holger
Journal Article
2020 Systems Toxicology Approach for Testing Chemical Cardiotoxicity in Larval Zebrafish
Li, Roman; Zupanic, Anze; Talikka, Marja; Belcastro, Vincenzo; Madan, Sumit; Dörpinghaus, Jens; Berg, Colette vom; Szostak, Justyna; Martin, Florian; Peitsch, Manuel C.; Hoeng, Julia
Journal Article
2020 CTO: A community-based clinical trial ontology and its applications in PubChemRDF and SCAIView
Lin, A.Y.; Gebel, S.; Li, Q.L.; Madan, S.; Darms, J.; Bolton, E.; Smith, B.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; He, Y.O.; Kodamullil, A.T.
Conference Paper
2020 Algebraic multigrid for the finite pointset method
Metsch, B.; Nick, F.; Kuhnert, J.
Journal Article
2020 Proposal of an Architecture for Terminology Management in a Research Project
Mora, Sara; Madan, Sumit; Gebel, Stephan; Giacomini, Mauro
Conference Paper
2020 Corrigendum: The Impact of Pathway Database Choice on Statistical Enrichment Analysis and Predictive Modeling
Mubeen, S.; Tapley Hoyt, C.; Gemünd, A.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Fröhlich, H.; Domingo-Fernandez, D.
Journal Article
2020 Local Postsynaptic Signaling on Slow Time Scales in Reciprocal Olfactory Bulb Granule Cell Spines Matches Asynchronous Release
Ona Jodar, T.; Lage-Rupprecht, V.; Abraham, N.M.; Rose, C.R.; Egger, V.
Journal Article
2020 SEAweb: The small RNA Expression Atlas web application
Rahman, Raza-Ur; Liebhoff, Anna-Maria; Bansal, Vikas; Fiosins, Maksims; Rajput, Ashish; Sattar, Abdul; Magruder, Daniel S.; Madan, Sumit; Sun, Ting; Gautam, Abhivyakti; Heins, Sven; Liwinski, Timur; Bethune, Jörn; Trenkwalder, Claudia; Fluck, Juliane; Mollenhauer, Brit; Bonn, Stefan
Journal Article
2020 Drug repositioning of antiretroviral ritonavir for combinatorial therapy in glioblastoma
Rauschenbach, Laurèl; Wieland, Anja; Reinartz, Roman; Kebir, Sied; Till, Andreas; Darkwah Oppong, Marvin; Dobersalske, Celia; Ullrich, Vivien; Ahmad, Ashar; Jabbarli, Ramazan; Pierscianek, Daniela; Fröhlich, Holger; Simon, Matthias; Brüstle, Oliver; Sure, Ulrich; Glas, Martin; Scheffler, Björn
Journal Article
2020 Exhaustive Search with MEDLINE on Knowledge Graphs for Correctness and Completeness
Rayya, Noura
Master Thesis
2020 Sustaining complex projects by linking in- and off-curriculum elements: The BRSU Racing Engineer Certificate
Reith, Dirk; Blume, Christian; Grein, Martina; Haedecke, Tobias; Könemann, Daniel; Malschützky, Michael
Conference Paper
2020 Drug2ways: Reasoning over causal paths in biological networks for drug discovery
Rivas-Barragan, Daniel; Mubeen, Sarah; Guim Bernat, Francesc; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Domingo-Fernández, Daniel
Journal Article
2020 Explain it to me - facing remote sensing challenges in the bio- and geosciences with explainable machine learning
Roscher, R.; Bohn, B.; Duarte, M.F.; Garcke, J.
Conference Paper
2020 Explainable Machine Learning for Scientific Insights and Discoveries
Roscher, Ribana; Bohn, Bastian; Duarte, Marco F.; Garcke, Jochen
Journal Article
2020 Combining Machine Learning and Simulation to a Hybrid Modelling Approach: Current and Future Directions
Rüden, Laura von; Mayer, Sebastian; Sifa, Rafet; Bauckhage, Christian; Garcke, Jochen
Conference Paper
2020 The COVID-19 Ontology
Sargsyan, Astghik; Kodamullil, Alpha Tom; Baksi, Shounak; Darms, Johannes; Madan, Sumit; Gebel, Stephan; Keminer, Oliver; Jose, Geena Mariya; Balabin, Helena; DeLong, Lauren Nicole; Kohler, Manfred; Jacobs, Marc; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin
Journal Article
2020 A Compact Spectral Descriptor for Shape Deformations
Sible, Skylar; Iza-Teran, Rodrigo; Garcke, Jochen; Aulig, Nikola; Wollstadt, Patricia
Conference Paper
2020 Realistic simulation of virtual multi-scale, multi-modal patient trajectories using Bayesian networks and sparse auto-encoders
Sood, M.; Sahay, A.; Karki, R.; Emon, M.A.; Vrooman, H.; Hofmann-Apitius, M.; Fröhlich, H.
Journal Article
2020 Generative Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz zur Modellierung Multimodaler Longitudinaler Klinischer Studien und Generierung Virtueller Kohorten
Wendland, Philipp Johannes
Master Thesis
2020 Semi-Lagrangian lattice Boltzmann method for compressible flows
Wilde, D.; Krämer, A.; Reith, Dirk; Foysi, H.
Journal Article
2020 Sequence Prediction Using Spectral RNNs
Wolter, Moritz; Gall, Jürgen; Yao, Angela
Conference Paper
2020 Neural Network Compression via Learnable Wavelet Transforms
Wolter, Moritz; Lin, Shaohui; Yao, Angela
Conference Paper
2020 A Landscape Analysis of Standardisation in the Field of Artificial Intelligence
Ziegler, Wolfgang
Journal Article
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